A feature-rich, Angular-based client-side application designed to provide movie enthusiasts with a seamless and intuitive interface for accessing, exploring, and saving information about their favorite movies, directors, and genres.
A serverless, progressive web application built with React, utilizing the Google Calendar API for fetching and sorting upcoming events in different cities.
A single-page, responsive web application built with React, allowing movie enthusiasts to access and save information about different movies, with features including user authentication, movie filtering, and profile management.
A mobile chat application developed using React Native and Expo, enabling users to exchange messages, share images, and locations seamlessly, while supporting offline access and accessibility features.
A robust server-side component for a web application called myFlix, allowing users to access, store, and manage information about movies, directors, and genres, implemented with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose.
A web application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, integrating an external API to present and explore data interactively, incorporating advanced features like touch interactions and loading indicators, while prioritizing cross-browser functionality.